About Greg Mangan

Greg Mangan
The Real Estate Advocate provides services to commercial property and land owners looking for new tenants or
assistance to redevelop their properties. Greg also works with new and existing businesses that are looking for an appropriate space to locate or expand within Southwest Detroit.
Southwest Detroit Business Association (SDBA), 2015- Present/Detroit, MI
Real Estate Advocate that provides real estate services to property owners, businesses, and entrepreneurs in
Southwest Detroit. Work with clients to provide technical assistance for their needs to find and open a brick and
mortar location.
Implementation of the Kresge Innovative Project (KIP:D) Detroit project for the Second-Floor Residential pilot project, to work toward renovating 12 vacant, second-floor apartments above the fi rst-fl oor commercial spaces. Recipient of the Detroit Future City (DFC) Working with Lots Mini-Grant for Green Storm Water Infrastructure (GSI). In the
process of implementing a GSI rain garden practice in the alley behind SDBA’s building to provide an example for
commercial property owners.
Development of La Joya Gardens, a mixed-use, affordable housing project in Southwest Detroit, with SDBA and Cinnaire
Solutions. The project consists of 53 apartment units (11-market rate and 42 affordable), along with approx. 6,000 square feet of commercial and community space on the ground floor.
Masters of Urban Planning
Wayne State University, 2014-2017
B.S. Political Science/Legal Studies Minor
Central Michigan University, 2000-2002
Associate in Liberal Arts/Emergency Medical Services
Henry Ford Community College, 1997-2000, 2002-2004
Vice-President, Treasurer
IAFF Local 1496, 2010-12, 2014-16
NEIdeas Ambassador
New Economy Initiative (NEI), 2016-Present
Land + Water Works Ambassador
Detroit Future City (DFC), 2018-Present