About Us

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Our Equity Statement

The Southwest Detroit Business Association is dedicated to fostering a business community where diversity, inclusion, and equitable opportunities are at the core of our values and practices. We believe that embracing the unique backgrounds, perspectives, and talents of every individual is vital to achieving our mission of supporting and growing a rich, vibrant business ecosystem.

We strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment that celebrates the diverse voices and experiences within our community. This includes business owners, entrepreneurs, employees, and all stakeholders connected and committed to the growth and vitality of the community. We recognize that by cultivating an inclusive space, we can inspire innovation, collaboration, and the shared prosperity of all our members.

SDBA’s commitment to equity means actively addressing and dismantling barriers that prevent underrepresented individuals and communities from fully participating in and benefiting from the opportunities available. We are dedicated to providing access to resources, networking opportunities, mentorship, and educational programs that empower businesses to thrive.

Our Mission

Established in 1957, the Southwest Detroit Business Association (SDBA) fosters innovation, drive, and commitment. We work with investors, entrepreneurs, customers, and neighbors to capitalize on Southwest Detroit’s competitive advantage. We support our community’s vision for a healthy, vibrant neighborhood.

The Association is a coalition of businesses and community interests committed to facilitating the continuation and enhancement of a stable, economically healthy Southwest Detroit. We accomplish this by employing strategies that support existing business and industrial enterprises, enhance the climate for public and private investment and economic growth, and act as a vehicle for cooperative ventures that support economic development in Southwest Detroit.

Our Vision

We support our community's vision for a healthy, vibrant neighborhood. The Association is a coalition of businesses and community interests committed to facilitating the continuation and enhancement of a stable, economically healthy Southwest Detroit.

Our Goals - Where Our Efforts Take Hold

Building : Southwest Detroit is one of the most vibrant and active areas in the city. We help promote its historic commercial buildings, create opportunities for regional shopping development in targeted locations, and assist local businesses to invest in their property through commercial renovation incentives.

Our Goals - Where Our Efforts Take Hold

Businesses : They are the centerpiece of the SDBA’s work, and we assist by connecting them to a wide range of technical and financial resources, and by fostering a healthy climate for quality business growth.

Our Goals - Where Our Efforts Take Hold

Community : We lead efforts to identify, research, and analyze critical land use, market, transportation, and public policy issues affecting economic investment in Southwest Detroit. From here, we implement community improvement activities by coordinating programming to improve the quality of life for area residents, business owners, and customers.

Our Goals - Where Our Efforts Take Hold

Arts & Culture : SDBA is truly commitment to the arts. Over the last decade, the SDBA has expanded the scope of its community development efforts to encompass the flourishing arts and culture community in SW Detroit.

Meet our Staff


Laura L. Chavez-Wazeerud-Din

President & CEO

313-842-0986 Ext 1002


Brandi Watts

Vice President, Programs & Compliance

313-842-0986 Ext 1001


Blanca Estela Zelaya

COMPÁS Program Manager



Greg Mangan

Real Estate Advocate

313-842-0986 Ext 1006


Noelia Gomez-Perez

Program Associate

313-842-0986 Ext 1010


James Murray

Program Manager

313-842-0986 Ext 1005


José Maldonado

Mexicantown Mainstreet Director



Kristy Stanford

Business Engagement

313-842-0986 Ext. 4

“Our biggest reward comes every day when we walk through Southwest Detroit and experience a thriving, diverse, growing community”
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Our Board of Directors

There are many people, businesses and groups that make up any vibrant community. In Southwest Detroit, we are blessed with many such individuals and organizations. At the SDBA, we’d like to recognize those listed here for their exceptional role in making our community a unique and special place.

Sylvia Gucken

Assistant to Chairman, The Ideal Group

Shelley Holderbaum

Commander, Detroit Police Department – 4th Precinct

Ahmad Al-Hasan

Co-owner of Nice Price in Southwest Detroit

Steve Weiner

Vice President, Edw. C. Levy Co.

Elias M. Gutierrez

Founder, owner and publisher - Latino Press

Mahja D. Zeon

Partner at Honigman, LLP

Tonia Patino

Board Chair - Senior Treasury Payments Advisor at Fifth Third Bank

Our Portfolio

Get to know more about SDBA by learning about our rewards and past annual reports!


We’d be remiss, however, if we didn’t list some of the other accolades that have come our way...
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Contact Us

Southwest Detroit is a place that is much more than points on a compass. It’s a true community with people, programs, business success and plans for the future. At its heart is the Southwest Detroit Business Association – committed to creating a place residents can proudly call home, visitors can enjoyably spend time, and business leaders can confidently set up shop.
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