Second Floor Residential Grant Program

The SDBA is collaborating with the Housing Revitalization Department (HRD) at the City of Detroit to design and administer a second-floor grant program that converts vacant, second-floor commercial space into...
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About Second Floor Residential Grant Program

The SDBA is collaborating with the Housing Revitalization Department (HRD) at the City of Detroit to design and administer a second-floor grant program that converts vacant, second-floor commercial space into apartment units in Southwest Detroit. The program will result in reaching a targeted goal of twenty-four (24) rental units that will be renovated.

Funding for the SDBA Second Floor Residential Grant Program offers reimbursement to applicants who perform eligible construction improvements on their second-floor apartments. Reimbursement will be in the amount of $10,000 per apartment for the agreed upon number of apartments being renovated in the owner’s building.

Reimbursement will only be paid to the owner upon receipt of the apartment’s Certificate of Compliance issued by the City of Detroit’s Building, Safety, Engineering and Environmental Department (BSEED). Owner shall present a copy of the Certificate of Compliance and verification from the City of Detroit, along with receipts of work for reimbursement in order to receive the $10,000 per agreed upon apartment.

The geographic boundaries for the SDBA’s Second Floor Residential Grant Program are any of the following red census tracts highlighted on the map:

2022 2nd Floor Renovation Application

For additional information on this project, contact the following team member.

Greg Mangan

Real Estate Advocate
313-842-0986 Ext. 6